Speaking, Writing, and Classes Available

Please contact me if you are interested in public speaking, podcast, an article or a class.


Topics available (ask if you don't see what you are looking for)


  • Managing Stress and Worry.  (Here is a portion of a talk I did for Mended Hearts)
  • Coping with Illness
  • Coping with Caregiving
  • Discovering Who You Are
  • Finding Your Purpose
  • Transforming Money Beliefs
  • Working with clients from Generational Poverty (for clinicians)
  • Using Your Polyvagal System to Unlock Creativity 
  • Finding meaning in your symptoms.  Here is a podcast I did on this topic



My Books


A Guide Back To You:  A workbook for exploring who you are
and staying true to yourself


The Phoenix Requires Ashes:  Poems for the Journey





A Guide Back to You


Creativity, Stress and the Body


Beyond Talk Therapy, Bringing Purpose and Meaning into Every Session


Finding and Re-finding Yourself 


Other Published Work

Red Wheelbarrow Writers’ Spring and All Anthology (2 pieces)

Legacies Anthology


We'Moon 2025

The Ekphrastic Review, search for my name


Writing Together/Rising Together


Corridor Zine



Groups I have presented/written for







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© Maureen Kane Counseling